Dr. Richardson’s Super Power Smoothie

Dr. Richardson’s Super Power Smoothie

Drink slowly mixing with your saliva before you swallow which starts the digestive process. Enjoy! We have digestive enzymes in our mouth and when you drink your smoothie too fast you limit your food being in contact with these important enzymes. In addition you may...
Secrets to a Healthy Heart

Secrets to a Healthy Heart

The Power of Breath: Lower Blood Pressure, Reduce Stress When you don’t manage stress effectively you place an unnecessary burden on the one muscle that keeps you alive: the heart. When you’re stressed, your body goes into “fight or flight” response....
Secrets to a Healthy Heart

Secrets to a Healthy Heart

Long before the ancient Greek surgeon Galen carried out meticulous dissections of the heart, the Egyptians wrote about health and disease in relation to how the heart “speaks in vessels” with the rest of the body. Today, physicians may not associate the...

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